Our History

The origin of the Nigerian Medical Association dates back to 1951, when the British Medical Association tried to form a branch in Nigeria. Thus at the January 12th 1951 meeting where it was agreed to form such a branch, Professor O.A. Ajose was elected President and Dr. Brian S. Jones, an Orthopaedic Surgical Specialist, Honorary Secretary, Dr. M.A. Majekodunmi succeeded Dr. Jones as Honorary Secretary in December, 1951. The former was later appointed Federal Minister of Health, a post he held from 1961to 1966

Initial problems of the Association commenced with Dr. Jones unsuccessful eight month attempt to form divisions in the West, East and North in order to make the branch countrywide. Most members were Government Officials who would not therefore accept offices. Further more, assistance sought from Government with regard to the formation of a division in the North because of the long distance and poor transport services met with a refusal. This was due to Government hostility as the association was described as an “unofficial society”

The first countrywide Annual General Meeting held at the General Hospital Lagos in March 1952 revealed the problems, which the Association would have to cope with or find solution to.

Such problems, which are still being dealt with today, include disagreement with members particularly over non-payment of subscriptions and with Government over the role that should be played by its officials: as well as remuneration to be paid to doctors in its employment.

The above meeting was clearly historic. Firstly, Government made it clear that is would not tolerate criticisms from its staff. And secondly Dr. Mcletchie expressed certain views, which it was rumoured, led to his being reprimanded at the headquarters. As a result of this incident it was proposed and adopted that no Government official should accept an office in the Association. Sir Kofo Abayomi was elected president and Dr. Olatunji Adeniyi Jones, Honorary Secretary.

By May 1954, the issue of re-organization of Medical services in Nigeria had become a struggle with the Government. While the Mcletchie episode had given the impression of Government disapproval of the branch, criticisms of Government hospital and medical services also had the headquarters suspecting every move of the British Medical Association. Personal relationships between top officials of the medical department and those of the British Medical Association branch were not of much help either. This spirit of mutual suspicion continued well into the middle sixties with the result that well-meaning proposals that would have done a lot of good to the community were rejected over and over again by successive Governments. The issue of re-organization of medical services is a case in point.

Lack of unity of purpose among the divisions of the country also created problems. For instance Dr. Hadden from the North announced that Northern member dissociated themselves from the branch when the Association refused to be used by Government to get its civil service members to obey the regulations governing private practice. It was probably decided for this reason to hold the next Annual General Meeting outside Lagos.

Despite the lack of cordial relationship with Government, Government approached the association whenever it needed the help of the Medical Profession. On submission of a memorandum by the branch on 3rd March 1954 concerning re-organizing of medical services, conflict arose once more as Government insisted that expansion and not reorganization was what was needed. Disagreement also arose over the amount to be paid private practitioners on sectional duties.

At the Annual General Meeting of 1960, members decided that the British Medical Association branch had matured into the Nigeria Medical Association. By 1962, the Nigeria Medical Association had obtained Government recognition and it was registered under the Land Perpetual Act and Certificate of Incorporation (31st July, 1962). After 1963, the association gradually developed from being an oligarchy into a more democratic organization. The divisions formed in 1958 in the East, West, North and Lagos had grown into branches. The Eastern branch proved the most virile while Lagos had virile moments. The West state branch became the best organized and has often proved the most militant.

Despite shaky moments the association’s organ the Nigeria Medical Journal, founded in 1964 has been the mainstay of the Association since then, Now approaching the status of an international organ it has lived up to a good reputation in that it has not been used as a weapon to fight the association cause as could have been done. This was done to preserve its function as a purely scientific organ. Its sole purpose has therefore been to crystallize Nigerian Scientific Medical Opinion.

The Nigeria Medical Association Founded in 1960 began initially as a branch of the British Medical Association. Like any other body, it went through certain difficulties. This involved relations with government, financial constraints and re-organization of health services.

Members were aware that they had change the image of their profession as criticisms were level against the attitudes and moral standards prevalent in the conduct of doctors in Nigeria. An indicator for change in this sphere is the New Medical Practitioners and Dentists Act which arose from the concern which professional men and administrators have viewed standards in medicine.

It seeks to make the Nigerian Doctors the arbiters of his own conduct thereby indicating their readiness, willingness and maturity of conscience to maintain the high standards envisaged. Thus parliament passed the new Medical Practitioners and Dentists Act in 1963, it was initiated by Dr. M.A. Majekodunmi. Various issue have since then been raised either by Government or the association.

The 1964 press conference by the Federal Minister for Health, Dr. M.A. Majekodunmi referred to the pressing issue of shortage of doctors. The Nigeria Medical Association has a regards this issue made a recommendation in 1966 that a new Medical School should be built in the country every five years.

The editorial of the association’s journal of October 1971, further points to the issue of allocation of resources to the health sector. The Nigerian Medical Association’s position is that Government should increase funding to at least five percent of total Federal annual budget as recommended by the World Health Organization.

The Association has always held the view that health services could be improved through restructuring of hospitals to function under executive boards of management to be run by men of the necessary standing, integrity and experience of affairs.

Other issues important to the nation as viewed by the Nigeria Medical Association are the sitting of hospital services to provide health for all Nigerians, majority of whom live in the rural areas, Health education which should be an important function of the hospital as well as the question of the Youth Service Corp, a concept of compulsory practice in the rural areas for doctors proposed by the Association earlier on.

The Nigerian Medical Association thus grew from being a branch of the British Medical Association into a National Association in Nigeria. It became one of the four recognized professional bodies in Nigeria and its participation in the improvement of health and health related matters took on more important dimensions from then on.